Dave Johns
Dave Johns reviews


A Comic's Tale 4.5****

For many people the name Dave Johns became known for his award winning performance in Ken Loach’s ‘I, Daniel Blake’ and other movies such as ‘Fisherman’s friend’, but to some of us we can remember him prior to that, when he was an excellent stand-up, a mainstay, on the comedy circuit. For Fringe 2022 Johns returns to his roots with an hour of standout stand up and it proves that although he is more often found on a movie set these days, he still has his well-honed comedy skills in abundance. John talks of his working-class beginnings in Newcastle, they had a piano, but no-one could play it, teenage gigs watching the likes of David Bowie and a costume malfunction he had, how he spent his lockdown, writing, walking even getting a girlfriend, much younger and middleclass as well! He reminisces about a simpler time growing up, his family, fictitious train announcements, some surreal imaginings, his dyslexia and that was just a few subjects he found hilarious material from. And the occasional burst into songs as well! He is so adept with his crowd work, never threatening, but not afraid to shatter the fourth wall. It was a genuine pleasure to see him back at his roots. And I was not alone in thinking so, judging by the howls of laughter emanating from the audience too.
Geoff, One4Review

A Comic's Tale *****

Johns greets us with a warm and friendly attitude, and from the start you feel like you’ve stumbled upon a genuinely funny guy. The Geordie dialect is certainly a plus when it comes to a warm sense of humour. Subscribe to Entertainment Now ! Get updates on the latest posts and more from Entertainment Now straight to your inbox. Website Your Email... Subscribe I consent to receiving emails and personalized ads. For fans of I, Daniel Blake the notable Ken Loach film, in which Johns played the leading role, it is worth pointing out that this experience is really nothing like that in any way. Johns is an experienced comic as well as an actor and this is a delightful insight into his take on life and comedy. There are moments when Johns stutters over his words a little, and he explains this is his first night back at the festival, and that he’s testing new material. Like the seasoned comic that he is Johns even manages to make a joke of the fact that a particular gag doesn’t quite work out the way he hoped. My five stars for this are not just awarded because we feel like we are in the presence of an semi-iconic actor, but because at one point we, the audience, found ourselves uncontrollably laughing even well into his next joke. He has the ability to tell a story we know is absolute nonsense, but he keeps his poker-face, and takes us from moment to moment of a completely made-up fable; takes us to the nonsensical punchline, and leaves us unable to draw breath. And he’s swiftly onto the next gag while we pick ourselves up and try to catch up with the next gold nugget of fun. Johns keeps the evening slightly informal and we feel we could be sitting at his kitchen table, but we never feel the format of stage, audience, microphone and performer is undermined or ignored. It is a performance, and Johns’ skill and experience and genuine sense of humour shines through.
Sam Newman, Entertainment Now

A Comic's Tale *****

If you don’t know what to expect from an hour of comedy from a man best known for Ken Loach’s realist drama I, Daniel Blake you’re not alone. Dave John’s himself may have similar musings. Despite a lack of precision, the ability of Johns to chat and riff with the audience reveals the 30 odd years’ experience of a deft storyteller and hilarious stand-up meandering between real anecdotes, facts that occur to him in the moment and mad long-form concept jokes with the confidence of someone who’s been in the game a while. Spending an hour with Dave is not the slick routine you might get elsewhere but it’s certainly not any less enjoyable for that.
Pow. Showbiz!

A Comic's Tale *****

“His journey from the streets of Byker to the red carpet of the Cannes film festival is beautifully encapsulated in his comment upon encountering a incredulous Meryl Streep at a star-studded buffet: “Hey, Meryl – it’s all free!”” Editorial Rating: 5 Stars (Outstanding) To anyone who follows stand-up comedy closely, the name Dave Johns ought to be familiar: founder of Newcastle’s first comedy club, and as such co-facilitator of several of his contemporaries’ glittering careers; and veteran of both the Fringe and the year-round club circuit. Though not quite – yet – a household name, his face is much more familiar since starring in the title role of I, Daniel Blake, and a subsequent movie career including Fisherman’s Friends. Johns is on top comic form in this hour-long one-man show, which combines general observational patter with reflections on his rags-to-riches life. As his close relationship with his audiences suggests, he prefers working in small, intimate venues where he can chat with the punters – indeed, there won’t have been a dry seat left in the front row, judging by the helpless laughter of two ladies he focused on. As Johns tells us, no two nights of his show are the same as he tries out slightly different material each night to see what goes down well. Highlights of this particular evening were a surreal shaggy dog story about an orphan midget; audience participation in a chorus of The Pirate King; and the reason why he’ll never be in a Stephen Spielberg film. His journey from the streets of Byker to the red carpet of the Cannes film festival is beautifully encapsulated in his comment upon encountering an incredulous Meryl Streep at a star-studded buffet: “Hey, Meryl – it’s all free!” For a man who’s spent so many years wielding a microphone, there is inevitably some sage reflection on the nature of what he does. Rightly disparaging the vast, impersonal arenas played by some of his contemporaries, and the slick glitz of Live at the Apollo. Johns champions the unpredictable intimacy of small venues. “I’m at the two-tickets-for-the-price-of-one end of the market”, he notes disparagingly, adding ironically that the more five-star reviews he gets, the fewer the people who come to see him. I came away from this show not having laughed out loud so much in years. Give me heart and soul stuff like this rather than an arena any day. So come for the authenticity. Stay for the non-stop laughs. Leave with a great big cheeky-chappie smile on your face. This is Geordie humour so, even if it’s baltic out, leave your coats at home and go see this!
Chris Goulding, Get Your Coats On, The Good Fringe Guide

A Comic's Tale *****

Tight construction and essay-like structure form the backbone of many a comedy show at the Fringe. Maybe that’s why Dave Johns’ hour feels like a breath of fresh air, as the star of I, Daniel Blake has only a single priority on stage: to wring as many laughs out of his audience as humanly possible. It’s a remit he fulfils almost straight out of the gate, launching into the kind of refined crowd work that can only come from someone who’s honed their craft in clubs for half their life. What puts Johns a step above other comics is the unblinking momentum he provides a show and his seemingly unceasing energy, propelling it with adept improvisations and tangents into weirdness that conclude with exceptional pay-offs. Even within the more surreal skits, this excitable Geordie is an immaculate joke-teller, bolstering punchlines with cheeky asides and enough light physical comedy to create real comic dynamism (Johns using a microphone to mimic David Bowie’s testicles is a sight to behold). This is raucous, intelligent fun with barely a misplaced beat. Although sparsely attended on a wet Monday evening, the gig ended with a standing ovation for Johns and his hectic brand of comedy. It was very well deserved.
Kevin Fullerton, The List

Stand out

Johns in a stand out performance
The Wrap


"He has an uncontrived manner and sense of fun on stage that makes what he does seem effortless .... the gags came thick and fast".
The Observer

Riveting Restraint

The title character, played by comic actor Dave Johns, in a performance of ingrained decency and riveting restraint, is masterful.
Rolling Stone Magazine

Simply Wonderful

"Dave Johns is simply wonderful".
Entertainment - weekly magazine

"I, Fillum Star" Press Quotes from Edinburgh Fringe 2017

Some press quotes about Dave's new show "I, Fillum Star" :- "Warm, heart felt and at times very funny" - "I" Magazine : "a delight to watch in this intimate setting, like someone telling you a joke over the kitchen table" (****) - "i" Newspaper : "Poignant, warm and very funny. A delight" - (****) "i" Newspaper : " ... skilled story telling. With subtle nuances and astute verbiage" (****) - The Reviews Hub : "Hilarious, completely genuine and down-to-earth" (****) - Broadway Baby : "A playful and joyful hour" - Observer: : "Humility, starry eyes and unpretentious good humour ... a heart warming hour" - Brian Logan, Guardian : "Sends you out uplifted" - Chortle : "Very funny" - The Scotsman : "It's a heck of a tale - someone should turn it into a movie" - Guardian : "extremely engaging and constantly hilarious" (****) - The Wee Review" : "hilarious and emotional... one of the unlikeliest, most uplifting stories you will ever hear" - Guardian :

Wonderful performance

Johns gives a wonderful performance as Daniel
The Independent


Johns is excellent as Daniel
The Telegraph

Hardest role

Johns pulls off the hardest role for a actor, that of playing a decent guy, one that doesn't put the audience to sleep... he nails it
Empire magazine


I, Daniel Blake is blessed by exceptional lead performances
Mark Kermode

Powerful performance

Johns in a powerful performance gives Daniel a plucky decency but a lonely anger underneath, that simmers until it needs to explode
Variety magazine


Johns in an Oscar-winning performance
Indi film


The naturalistic performances are faultless
Total film

Real find

Johns, best known for stand up comedy, is the real find here. In this his first full length feature Johns gives Daniel much humour and warmth
The skinny

Honesty and humanity

Johns plays Daniel with honesty and humanity, in a very good unactorly performance
The Guardian

Award-worthy performance

Daniel played by Johns in an award-worthy performance
Kevin Maher, The Times

Such intensity

Johns' performance resonates with such intensity..... He gives such an impressive turn in the lead role of Daniel
Irish Times

"I, Fillum Star" Press Quotes from Edinburgh Fringe 2017

Sinply wonderful

"Dave Johns is simply wonderful"
Entertainment - weekly magazine